Energy Audit

An energy audit is a process of evaluating the energy efficiency of a building. It is an important step in reducing the environmental impact of buildings and can help to reduce operating costs. The first step in an energy audit is to identify the building’s major sources of energy use. This includes identifying all equipment that uses electricity, natural gas, oil, or other fuels. The next step is to measure how much energy each source uses over a period of time. This can be done by using meters or by estimating usage based on past records and other information about the building’s operations. The final step in an energy audit is to identify ways to reduce the amount of energy used by each source and make recommendations for changes that will have the greatest impact on reducing overall consumption.

Benefits of Energy Audit

  • It helps to identify areas where improvements can be made
  • It helps to identify potential savings in energy costs
  • It helps to identify potential savings in operating costs

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