ISO 22301 Certification

ISO 22301, Security and resilience – Business continuity management systems – Requirements, is an international management system standard that specifies requirements to plan, maintain and continually improve a management system. It also specifies how to prepare for, respond to and protect against disruptive incidents. All the requirements are intended to be applicable to organizations of all types, sizes and nature. A certified BCMS demonstrates that the organization meets its own business continuity needs.

Benefits of ISO 22301 Certification

  • Boasts organizations reputation and gives advantage over competition.
  • Improves risk management.
  • Reduces legal risks.
  • Ensure continuity of business during disruption.

How to get certified?

  • Study and understand the ISO 22310 standard.
  • Conduct risk assessment and gap analysis.
  • Formulate a plan for the management system.
  • Train the organization and implement the system.
  • Document the process.
  • The organization is audited and conformity is tested.
  • If there are no nonconformities, the certificate is issued.
  • If there are nonconformities, then the organization must present an improvement plan.
  • When appropriate improvements are made, certificate is issued.

How can we help you?

At Bureau of Global Certifications, our aim is to help you manufacture products that excel in quality and are safe to sell. We offer you one place to get all the required certification your product needs to reach its potential and place in the market. Our services are just a click away!