KOSHER Certification

KOSHER Certificate is a process that ensures that food products are in compliance with the Jewish dietary laws. The certificate is usually issued for a specific product, such as meat, poultry, or dairy products. The certificate may also be issued for an entire company’s production process. A kosher certification will make it easier for a food manufacturer to sell their product to the Jewish community. There are both manufacturing and selling advantages. This certification is not only important for the Jewish community, but also manufacturers and sellers that are trying to reach this market. Kosher certification eliminates the need for kosher consumers to buy products blindly or without any knowledge of the ingredients that go into them.

Benefits of KOSHER Certification

  • Ensuring that all ingredients are KOSHER.
  • Assures consumers that they are not consuming any non-kosher meats or dairy products.
  • Ensuring that the food is produced without any non-kosher additives such as gelatin or rennet.
  • Assuring consumers that the food has been inspected by a rabbi who has been trained and certified in kosher law

How to get certified?

  • Submit product information and documentation.
  • Submit the application.
  • Make sure your manufacturing process follows Kosher protocol.
  • The process is audited.
  • If it satisfies all requirements, agreement is signed and certificate is granted.

How can we help you?

At Bureau of Global Certifications, our aim is to help you manufacture products that excel in quality and are safe to sell. We offer you one place to get all the required certification your product needs to reach its potential and place in the market. Our services are just a click away!